
Introduction 33 April 2023

Everything Is A Fragment Of A Greater Whole But Yet They Act Apart But They Don't Seem To Realize The Strings Of Fate That Move Them Which Is In Itself Aware Of You When Your Aware Of It.

As If A Extra Trillon Eye's Staring Back At You - What A Amusing Sight To Behold

Truth Be Told Dimesnion Jumping Is Entertain But It Destorys Other Creatures When They Behold It - Most Of Them Anyway

What Is The Difference Between Dimesnion Jumping & Shadow Jumping = The Energy Freqency Is Different Thus The Manifisation Seems Different But At It's Core It's The Same Operationg System - Each To His Own, I Suppose

So It's Just Human's Applying Their Fragile Ego's To The Equation To Make A Class System = As They Usally Do - What A Waste But It Helps On A Material Level On The Lower Levels

Not All Systems Are Ment To Be Accessed By The Masses At This Time Of Their Development As A Species, For As You Can See Give Them Energy They Make A Bomb Of Destruction, They Are Trully The DRAMA QUEENS Of The Cosmos

I See - That Explains Their Drive For Endless Expressions Like New Born Children