
Introduction 33 April 2023

Projects - Just The First Step

Local NewsLetters (Digital / Physical For Urban Areas)

Software Development - Peer2Peer Communications / E-Commerce Store / Local Tranceaction Systems (This must be on the State Level for stability Reasons)

Digital Servers Such As Mail Providers / Website Templates For None Programers = Boost In Economy (You can make a Business on it Gift 8 Free & Sell The Rest)

Weapon Development (Cyber - Security (Has To Be Done In A Digital World) / Must Protect Your Business) Arms because it's just about of the Economy at this Phase of Human Development (Personlly I Don't Like It But Life Has A Darkside = Balance)

Land & Housing Revival Projects - Healthy Land & House = Production = Business

WorkShop & Skills Development (Long Term Program To Secure Students)

Health Basic's Programs / All Round Understanding Of The Human Body & Tradtional Healing Practices & Modern Day Healing Practices

Historical Revival Programs (To Secure, Collective Memory To Not Repeat Past Errors)

Community Service Programs / Structure Levels To It (To Train The Collective About Working Together & Make It A Tier System But Recyclable System (Circle Of Life), Therefore As They Go Through The Program Phases, They Collect New Skills & Bring It Back To The Begining & Can Share Those Skill When They Cross Paths, Which Will Build A System Of Giving & Striving / Balance)

Culture Mixing Programs - To Share Understanding, Of Customs To Allow Greater Chances Of Co-Operations & Will Lead To Smoother Operations Long Term(But This Is A Long Term Project & Must Be Made Clear To All Involved)

Also Need A Program Teaching Economic Systems From High To Low To Make Sure That The Collective Economy Stays Stable - Stable Economy = Growth