Random Thoughts

Introduction 33 April 2023

What's The Diffence Between:

A Smartphone & A Tracker = One You Can Play Games On

Which is Faster To Loose:

Cash or Crypto = Depends If You Have Energy At The Power Plant or They Just Playing With The Switch

What is More Secure:

Land or Gold = Depends If You Have A Army To Protect It

What is The Difference Between:

Criminality & Business = Ones Legal In A Book That Changes

What Makes Power To Control Intresting:

It's Music In The Right Hands (ART)

What Makes Humans Intresting:

They Do Things That Go Against Their Own Intrests As A Species To Extintion (Fasinating/Amusing)

Is Telepathy Real:


If Humans Have Extra Features, Do They Use Them Productivlly:

NO,NO,NO - On Repeat

So Basiclly They Don't Know How To Run A Legitmate Business In This ERA = YES

So Development Is Not Possible = Extintion on Repeat

What a Boring Story

Let's Flip It