Major Arcana

Introduction 72 March 2023


1 - Sloth - Loki / Always Knows The Punch Line

2 - Lust - ??? / ???

3 - Gluttony - ??? / ???

4 - Greed - ??? / ???

5 - Wrath - ??? / ???

6 - Envy - ??? / ???

7 - Pride - Lucifer / Love Thy Self

8 - Vanity - Jesus / The Taking Of Gods Throne

9 - Melancholy - ??? / ???

10 - Blank - ??? / ???

Fill In The Blanks / Riddle - Don't Go MAD / INSANE / SSSHHH

The Four (+Death [Seen But Unseen]) Horsemen of the Apocalypse

Conquest - The Whole - Pangaea / Atlantis

War - The Splitting Of The Continents

Famine - The Loss Of Trade & Food After The Cataclysm

Pestilence - The Spreading Of Disease After Civilization Collapse

Death - Death & Rebirth = The Wheel