Thoughts On Racism

Introduction 04 Sep 2023


What Are Your Thoughts On Racism?

Let's Keep It Simple For Many Like To Make It Complex - So It Cannot Be Solved - It's Like The Law System - With Loop Holes








To Me Are irrelevant - I Will Go More Into Detail Below

Anything That Prevents My Evolution - I Change It

So Be It Balck OR White Facisim - I Crush It - For Evolving To Survive The Cosmic Threat Comes First (Solar Outburst) - If Your Basic's Ain't Covered (Solid Foundation) Everything After Falls, With Time

Imagine All That Sacrifice To Build For Nothing - I Would Be MAD As Hell

This Applies To All Things - Genetic's / Culture / Civilization & More

I Am Putting It In A Cold Manner For The Sake Of The Discourse

But For Reminder - I Think Everything Must Be Done With LOVE

What Purpose Doe's Racism Play In The Long Run = The Extintion Of The Human Race Over Time = Think Of It As A Mind Parasite That Tricks The Whole Species To Divide & Not Share Genetic Material To The Point, That Their Gene Pools Die Out = A Slow Death Through Stupidity

So It Serves No One

That's Correct

It Was The Most Foolish Concept Ever Created But As A Species Destroyer, It Works