Thoughts On The Sun

Introduction 04 Sep 2023

Thought's On The Sun

There Are Many Threats To The Existance Of Humanity On The Planet & From The Cosmos

The One That Peaks My Intrest Is That Of The Sun's Ability For A Cosmic Solar Out Burst

Why Doe's This Intrest You?

People Understand The Damage That A EMP (Electromagnetic pulse) Can Do

Though The Idea Of A Cosmic One Is Mind Blowing but Im curious If It's Also Literal

What Do You Mean?

So We Know That Every Motherboard Or Machine Will Stop To Function & Humanity Will Collapse But Here Is The Spice

If The Human Brain Is A Electric Power System, Could Not A Cosmic EMP Stop It From Working

Think Of That Mind Eraser Flash Machine They Had In Men In Black But Instead Of Memory Wipe - Death

Im Sure This Has Happend Before, The Thing That Fascinates I Is That Some Had To Have Survived & Evolved To Survive The Next Way

Those To Me Are The Atlantians - The Ultimate Genetics = For Long Term Survival (That's The Key) Natures Laws

Able To Survive Not Only Natural Law Of The Earth But Of The Cosmos

I Don't Think There Are Many With This Gene On The Planet

Why Do You Think This?

You Already Know The Answer But I Will Put It In A Simple Way = Human's Have A Habit Of Destorying Thing That Are Of Great Value & Then Only Understaning It's Value One's It's Gone

As I Have Said Before - I Don't Need To Fight, I Can Just Sit Back & Watch The Show & Let The Universe Do It's Thing

& To Keep It Humble & So There Is No Cofusion

That Ability To Reboot The Brain Must Be In The Gene's Of The Most Divers/Mixed Humans

For A PC Needs Many Part's To Reboot - Complexity Is Important To The Cosmos - For The Cosmos Is Complex In It's Simplicity - Now That's Art

So Those Who Have Done Selective Breeding - (You Know Who You Are) Have Made A Error Due To Your Need For Appearance - You Focused On The Outer Look More Than You Did On The Inner Details But That's Not Your Fault (It's Human Pride - We All Have A Moment - Nothing Wrong With A Artist Proud Of There Work But Art Is Always On The Move & Changing) - Like I Said There Are Many Virus's In The Collective Human Mind - So Such Error Can't Be Avoid Till You Unfilter & Create A Solid Foundation In The Collective Human Mind

This Is Not Really Of Interest To Myself But I Understand It Important For Some - So Just Meeting You Have Way

So That's Why Colour / Race Mean Nothing To You?

If Your Talking About Evolution, Why Box Yourself In To Such A Small Range Of Possiblities

Wouldn't It Just Stall Your Evolution? - Food For Thought

What Are Your Biology Thoughts On This Matter?

I Have Yet To Come A Cross Such A Program That Follow's Natural Law - No One Cooks Better Than Mother Nature - If It Follow's Natures Law - I Will Find It Intresting But All So Far Seem To Follow Human Made Up Laws Or A Corrupted View Of Natures Law = Which Never Survive Or End Well In The Long Run

Just To Make It Clear - Wiping Out Other Races Doesn't Make One Better In My Eye - For That Does Not Mean You Will Survive The Solar Burst Or A Collapse Of A Civilization - Extiction Events In Any Form Usally Leave The Plant In A Weaker State Than It Was

What Do You Mean By This?

Have You Ever Wondered Why People Have A Habit Of Trying To Re-Clone Exticted Animals - I Think Deep Down They Know - Extermination Is Foolish & They Rob Themselves Of Somthing Beautiful

See, When You Stay Humble Through The Thought Proccess - The Unseen Becomes Seen

I Now Know What They Mean By The Pride Before The Fall

It's The Artist's EGO's Death - To Access Greater Art Forms