
Introduction 33 April 2023

1 - Enter a State of Meditations

2 - Get Comfortable

3 - Ask Yourself : What are Human Being?

4 - Look Around, Sense / Feel / Think

5 - Ask Yourself : What does it Mean to be Human?

6 - Look Around, Sense / Feel / Think

7 - Then Say to Yourself : Planet of the Apes

I wonder if this is the Gift / The Forbidden Fruit from GOD / Yin&Yang / Sun / Moon / Earth / Stars

Is Reason & Knowledge to Acknowledge these Cosmic Principals / Math / Science / Art / Magic / Memory / LOVE

The I&I in the Collective / a Single RED BLOOD Cell of the Collective Humanity

Is this DNA / Is this GOD

As Above, So Below

A Piece of Star Dust from the Father/Mother of our Galaxy

For the Death of One STAR is the Creation of Endless More

Is this the Universe

The Gift of Transcendence / The Third Eye

To see the Threads of FATE that Bind the Stars, Planets, Humanity, Life, Death, THE ALL

7 - Then say to yourself : Planet of the Apes

8 - Look Around, Sense / Feel / Think

9 - Ask yourself : Why do we Live the way we do?

10 - Look Around, Sense / Feel / Think

11 - Then say to yourself : Antz

The Disney/Pixals Movie with the Locusts / Grasshoppers / Ants - That Antz


For I wonder what a Society based on Bee's would be like?

Honey for the Renewal of Life,

Dancing / Creating / Sharing

Golden Ages


For if I Exist for All & All Exist for I

Why do We Separate & Hate ourselves & Oppress ourselves

For would making Honey not be more Fun & Meaningful

Meditating through the Rhythms of Time & Space

Learning & Dancing with Fellow Souls

Sharing in Suffering & Joy

Life & Death

Meditating / Sensing / Feeling /Thinking

Our Memories of Past Lives

Our Hopes & Dreams

Unity of Diversity

For YOU Shaped I

I wonder how I can Return this Power you have Shared

In the Hopes of it Multiplying

Like Seeds to Grow & Returning with Beautiful Flowers & Fruits & Life

12 - Then say to Yourself : Humanity = THE GOD MIND

13 - Look Around, Sense / Feel / Think

14 - Take my Hand & Lets Dance with the Ancestors my Beloved Sisters & Brothers

We will Live & Never be Forgotten

For I have not Forgotten I&I