Cyber Security

SetUp Tool-Kit 11 March 2023

Light Weight

USB / SD card - Tails OS

- Portable Computer / Stateless Traveler

- Install feather or Monero GUI for Crypto-Currency

USB / SD card

- Small portable Hard Drive = For Memory

** Software To Install On Drive **


- Password Database

- Password Generator

- Encrypted Database


- Encryption Software to Encrypt the Portable Drive / Memory for security


(Note : you can't make a smartphone 100% Secure, So use it wisely)


- Briar = Tor Network / Bluetooth Compatible / Encrypted / None

Portable Account

- Jami = No Server, No Middle Man / Encrypted / Portable Account

(Recommend Jami for Common Folk)

- qTox = Peer2Peer Privacy Messenger

- RetroShare = Peer2Peer Privacy Social / Locally Hosted & Local Control


- Linphone = Encrypted Calls

(Note : Try to aim for forward secrecy encrypting protocols = Meaning in terms of encryption passwords - By never meeting in the same place twice, you secure the other Meeting Spots / Password / Encryption even if one is already compromised or in simple language wash your hands ever time before you eat - You Know what happens when you are lazy)

Video Caller

- Jitsi = Forward Secrecy Encryption

App Store

- F-Droid


- Tor Browser = Privacy Focus

- Orbot = Sends Network Traffic / Apps Over Tor Network

Crypto Banking

- Edge

- Exodus

(Note : Smartphone can not be 100% Secure, Always try to aim to move your Crypto-Currency to a Hardware Wallet Device for security, if you can afford to do so and always check the current up to date INFO on the crypt ecosystem / Economy as it is a quickly evolving BEAST / Technology)

This is a basic Lightweight SetUp for Common Folk, as we can't afford PC's and this is TRUTH and if you can get the Top Of The Line Smartphone, Change the OS to GrapheneOS

For those with a Budget you can add additional equipment like Hardware Tools / Lock-picks / Duplicate Device for BackUps and any other useful tools for a Lightweight SetUp - Remember to have FUN and think of it as playing with Patterns, as if you wanted to add Extra Flavor to Grannies Famous Baking Recipes and for all the Orphans this can be your Tech Grannies RecipeĀ 

Much Love / Love Thy Self / Love Thy Fellow Human & Make The World A Better Place

A Future We All Share


Portable PC

- Low Budget = Focus on the OS (Operating System) - So PureOS for security & Debian for testing the waters

(Note : Takes time to learn like Learning to Swim / Cook / Ride a Bike or Car)

- Have a Budget to afford secure Hardware - Go with Purism PC or Manjaro - Any Free Hardware Movement Focused PC Manufacture

Additional Software

- Jami = Messenger

- Pidgin = Messanger

- Monero GUI = Crypto-Currency Wallet

- Exodus = Crypto-Currency Wallet

- Bisq - Decentralized Crypto-Currency Exchange Over Tor Network

- Tor Network

- GNUnet

- Jitsi = Video Caller

- OnionShare = WebHosting / File Sharing / Messenger / Over Tor Network

(Note : it's easier and cheaper to re-engineer existing hardware than building from the Ground Up - Remember its a Multi-Generational process, So each plays their part)

If you still have a Budget you can get a Faraday Box of your choice - Faraday Box's can come in the Sizes, from phone bags to full Lounge Sized Room Box's, So you have variety to even Backpacks and any other spy Gadgets you can carry


Stationary PC - Qubes OS

-Security Focus / High Budget

Server (Prosody / Software) - Communication (Pidgin / Software)

Server (iRedMail / Software) - Email (Mailpile / Software)

If your a Heavyweight Welcome to the Abyss at the bottom of the Rabbit Hole

Please don't forget to have fun or the darkness will consume you - Humanity is what keeps the Torch Of Free Will Lit down here

OK - Now Granny Throws You Into The Pool